Wednesday, June 4, 2008

San Antonio #1

It was hard to believe when we took off from Peter O. Knight this morning that we wouldn’t be home for a month! Luckily, the weather across the entire Southern US looked great, so we settled in for a uneventful flight. We stopped briefly for fuel and to pick up lunch in New Orleans. Then, we took off again for Boerne, TX.

The 2nd flight was very nice –until… The approach controller had us descend about 15 minutes early and we ended up getting a very bumpy ride for the last 25 – 30 minutes. As we were taxiing into the ramp after landing, Michele told me her Mom had gotten sick. She went into the airport to freshen up while we put the luggage in the rental car and got the airplane secured.
I assumed she was just a little airsick, but after 30 minutes, she was feeling even worse. Roland suspected it was more than airsickness and decided to take her to the ER to get checked out. Meanwhile, Michele and I took the kids and checked into the hotel. Michele then took the car to go see her Mom.

The boys & I had a pretty relaxing evening. We swam at the hotel pool and then got cleaned up and walked to a nearby Italian restaurant for dinner. After we got back to the hotel, the boys watched cartoons while I watched Detroit beat Pittsburgh in the Stanley Cup Finals.

Michele finally got back a short while ago. Sandy’s electrolyte levels were all messed up and they are keeping her overnight for observation. We plan to have breakfast with Michele’s Aunt Denise tomorrow. I hope they release Sandy early tomorrow and that she is feeling better.

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